English Camp Classes for High School (Seconde – Terminale)

The English Camp Classes are designed for high school students in the Seconde à la Terminale who want to boost their English skills and enrich their understanding of anglo culture, with a focus on obtaining the baccalauréat.
The English courses focus on the specific elements needed to pass the BAC. The themes available are taken from the national education material for high school adolescents.
Planning for the week:
✓ Oral Comprehension, Speaking and Conversation
Our teaching techniques will help your child with his listening and note taking skills which are necessary assets for the oral comprehension test at the baccalauréat.
✓ Written and oral training exercises
We will provide series of short exercises for your child to practice grammar and vocabulary. We will also focus on oral training (pronunciation and intonation.)
✓ Writing Comprehension
Your child will learn analysis techniques to comprehend authentic written texts. The variety of class support documents will enrich your child’s understanding of Anglo-Saxon culture.
✓ Writing
Coupled with the writing comprehension test, the writing test requires intense training. Our syllabus will help your child gain the skills needed to organize and express his ideas clearly.
Step 1: Choose your formules.
Choose your courses by mixing and matching the themed English courses that interests you the most. You can work on the skills that you want to by prioritizing the courses you choose.
[le_chooser id=’stage’][/le_chooser]
Objective: English BAC
Notre stage a pour but d’aider votre enfant à se préparer pour les épreuves d’anglais du baccalauréat quelque soit la filière. Une meilleure maîtrise de la langue fera de l’anglais un réel atout qui permettra d’optimiser ses chances d’obtenir un maximum de points au bac.
Themed English classes for high school
L’équipe d’enseignants diplômés s’appuie sur les programmes et textes officiels de l’Education Nationale de la Seconde à la Terminale. Les thèmes choisis sont ceux parus au Bulletin Officiel, de façon à enrichir leurs connaissances culturelles. Les effectifs réduits garantissent une participation active et plus sereine; l’exposition à la langue est plus importante.
Approfondissement toutes filières confondues
Le stage d’anglais lycée offre l’opportunité de pratiquer davantage la langue et d’aller plus loin dans les connaissances et compétences.

Why wait? Test your English level now!
This is your chance… Learning English has never been easier than with Lyon English. If you are serious and ready, then let’s go! Test your level of English now with our free online english test. It takes about 20 min to receive an instant result.