Studying abroad is something that Lyon English believes is absolutely crucial in higher education. We think that the development of more international exchange programs will lead to a more peaceful and prosperous world. We support all types of world educational programs and we are proud to be a part of the international community.

The Fulbright scholarship is one of the most prestigious ways to study abroad. Watch the video below to learn more about becoming a Fulbright scholar and what it means.

After the video, answer the questions to help improve your English. You can find more information about the Fulbright / France program by visiting their official site.

Answer the questions based on the video:

What did Fulbright do in 1925?


What did he do then?


What did he do when he went back to the USA?


The Fulbright program was created in 1945.


What was its purpose?


How is the program funded?


What type of projects are Fulbrighters involved in?

Public health
Food security

What qualities must a Fulbrighter possess?